Supporting those who want to
make a meaningful impact

Nathan Van Steenberghe

Exec. M. Marketing, Cert. Brand Management, Cert. Data-Driven Marketing, Dip. UX Design

Hey there, I'm Nathan 👋

I am an experienced marketer and designer with a passion for helping service providers unlock their full potential.

Originally trained as an accountant, I never got to work as one – I didn’t feel like my work would have an impact. After graduating, I immediately took a turn to study marketing, communication and design and discovered a fascinating world that connects people to the solutions they need.

Back in Belgium where I was born, raised and educated, I’ve worked for three marketing agencies and a startup studio where I had the chance to support a variety of service-oriented entrepreneurs.

Although I enjoyed the daily challenges and gained valuable skills, I often felt limited in the help I could provide to my clients due to the limitations of my roles. I began to dream of opening my own marketing business and offering my clients a streamlined, end-to-end web design and marketing service that would do more for them.

In 2020, I did it! I launched Square&Co with a simple mission: to support service providers in accelerating and creating stability in their business. My greatest reward is seeing my clients gain confidence, get noticed and ultimately be able to fully support themselves and their families through work they enjoy.

Sounds familiar?

  • You love being your own boss but you’re not sure where to start when it comes to finding more clients

  • You need help creating a consistent flow of new clients at minimal cost

  • You may have limited time and resources

  • You're looking for a trusted professional who can help you clarify your message and launch a high-quality Squarespace website that will actually attract business and that you’ll be proud to show

If this sounds like you, I would love to help.

Based in beautiful Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Serving clients across Australia and internationally

You’ll enjoy working with me if you value

  • I believe that being authentic when selling you my services and supporting your business is the key to a successful collaboration. I encourage my clients to do the same, which starts with showing their true colours from the start to achieve greater and longer term results.

  • Communication can make or break a collaboration. If at any point before, during of after our collaboration you have questions, I will just be a phone call or an email away. I always aim to answer the same day.

  • I'm here to help you make the best marketing decisions for your business. I believe that transparency and authenticity in my advice is the best way to unlock your full potential. Likewise, I welcome and value feedback on my clients' experiences so I can keep improving my services.

  • If you’re just starting out in business, there are a bunch of common marketing, sales and tech concepts that you may not be familiar with. Not to worry though, as I always make sure to use the language that my clients understand best.

  • Marketing is messy, but I’ve got you covered. Over the last couple of years I have designed crystal clear processes for all my services, so I can get you where you want to be safely and efficiently. My results speak for themselves.

  • I know that you need solutions that will allow your business to grow now and keep growing for years to come.

    Everything I do is driven by the intention to help your business thrive with a minimum of efforts and investments on your side.

    How I implement this:

    • My services are modular and on-demand

    • Everything we create together is yours to own and keep (logo, website, design, content, everything)

    • There is no maintenance required on your Squarespace website, therefore no odd glitches and no maintenance fee to pay

    • I put a big emphasis on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to support my clients’ websites in the long term at minimal costs

Have a project you’d like to talk about?

Book a free 20 minutes chat.