Rasura Chiropractic Centres

About this business

Rasura Chiropractic Centres are a team of experienced chiropractors passionate about people's health based on the Sunshine Coast, in Maroochydore and Coolum Beach. They offer exceptional manual and low force adjustments for the entire family.

Dr. Ken Rasura, owner of the clinics for over 30 years, called on my services to boost their visibility online and offline. Our collaboration has allowed him and his team to create a stronger flow of new patients within a few months only.

How we helped


  • 3 sessions with our client

  • 4 autonomous development days


  • 2nd Google result for “chiropractor coolum beach”

  • Over 2,700 leads generated in 2022

“I am very happy with the service that Nathan has provided, he has done everything and has given me more ideas to work with. We can sit down and go through what we need to do and it gets done. I would recommend him to anybody who wants a website to get done easily.”

Dr Ken Rasura, Rasura Chiropractic Centres


Allurion at BGOS
